On the Mechanism of the Construction of Digital Libraries in China
文章认为我国数字图书馆建设机制主要包括数字资源建设机制、数字图书馆服务导向机制、数字图书馆运行机制、数字图书馆管理机制四方面。建立以资源建设为基点, 以服务应用为中心, 以运行管理为手段, 以制度规范为保障的数字图书馆建设机制, 可以使我国数字图书馆的发展从规范控制和管理上得到统一, 实现社会效益和经济效益最大化, 并促进相关产业的发展。
The construction mechanism of digital library in china includes four mechanisms such as the digital resource onstruction mechanism, service- oriented mechanism, the operating mechanism, management mechanism of digital library. To establish the digital library construction mechanism, which taking resource- building as base point, service pplication as center, administration as means, system specification as the protection, can promote the development of
Chinese digital library from the unity of authority control and management, achieve maximum social and economic benefits and promote the development of relevant industries.
数字图书馆 / 建设机制 / 资源建设 / 服务导向 / 管理机制 / 制度保障 {{custom_keyword}} /
本文系2010 年国家社科基金/ 数字图书馆建设体制及其发展模式研究0 ( 编号: 10BTQ005) 的阶段性成果之一, 并受南京财经大学科研基金项目(编号:C0942) 资助。
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