[Purpose/significance] On 25 April 2024, the Renmin University of China launched the Philosophy and So⁃cial Sciences Preprint Server (PSSXiv), the first preprint server in Chinese philosophy and social sciences. It has pro⁃found significance in advancing the construction of the“Three Systems”of Philosophy and Social Sciences with Chi⁃nese Characteristics and China’s Independent Knowledge System. [Method/process] Through systematic analysis,this paper summarises the valuable experience of constructing China’s first preprint platform in philosophy and social sciences and suggests a future outlook for its construction. [Result/conclusion] PSSXiv is operated by a specialized ed⁃itorial and publishing institution that provides full-chain services and full-version academic exchanges across the en⁃
tire philosophy and social sciences field. It actively advocates cooperation with journals and strives to support the devel⁃opment of a collaborative innovation ecosystem. PSSXiv aims to establish itself as a world-class preprint server for phi⁃losophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics. PSSXiv plans to achieve this by establishing disciplinary subservers,strengthening bilingualism, integrating intelligent technology, the cohesion of academic communities, and con⁃structing a natural evaluation model to diversify its content, expand its international presence, and enhanceits synergyand academic credibility.
[Purpose/significance] The identification of smart elderly data resources around multiple subjects, with a view to providing important reference support for solving the matching of supply and demand of smart elderly services.[Method/process] A meta-ethnographic qualitative research method was used to integrate 28 original studies, and based on the results of the integration of smart aging data resources, a framework of smart aging data resource elements was constructed. [Result/conclusion] Three main dimensions of "individual subject""institutional subject" and "on⁃line information space", eight specific subject types of "elderly people""government agencies""elderly care organiza⁃tions""social organizations""healthcare organizations""elderly care communities""intelligent terminals devices" and "online spatial platforms", as well as the data resource elements of the 101 different subjects are integrated.
[Purpose/significance] The overall architecture of the smart elderly care data resource system has been pro⁃posed and it provided a theoretical framework and directional guidance for building a smart elderly care data resource system. [Method/process] According to the overall architecture concept, it clarified the vision and goals of the smart elderly care data resource system and built the basic framework for the system based on information ecology theory. It explored the key points and interrelationships of the four elements, including the diversified subject relationships, the process of data elementization, the application scenarios of data service, and the overall process integration guarantee.[Result/conclusion] The smart elderly care data resource system is a data ecosystem guided by the Healthy China strat⁃egy and the Digital China strategy, consisting of four elements: muti-agent, data resources, service applications, and in⁃tegrated security. It identified the problems that exist in various elements in practice through investigation, and pro⁃posed that the construction of smart elderly care data resource system should focus on the following four aspects, includ⁃ing: supply and demand matching based on multi-agent collaboration, data resources-based construction of elderly care data, value mining of application scenarios and services, and integrated system construction of elder data resourc⁃es.
[Purpose/significance] Starting from the analytical framework of actor-network theory, analyzing the datadriven model of smart elderly care around various scenarios will help us gain a deeper understanding of the infrastruc⁃ture of data-driven smart elderly care services and master its data-driven strategy to continuously promote the develop⁃ment of smart elderly care. [Method/process] Based on the actor-network theory, combined with the data value chain model and the concept of service scenario, the basic elements of data-driven smart elderly care services are analyzed.Starting from the three aspects of the physical space, interactive space and data space of the scenario, combined with lit⁃erature analysis, research interviews and domestic and foreign practical experience, the basic logic of data-driven smart elderly care services is deconstructed in the scenario. [Result/conclusion] The basic elements and translation
process of the smart elderly care actor network demonstrate the infrastructure and logical path of data-driven smart el⁃derly care services. Among them, the basic elements of the smart elderly care actor network emphasize multi-dimen⁃sional interactive service scenarios, structured data activities, and heterogeneously coupled actors as the infrastructure of data-driven smart elderly care services; the translation process of the smart elderly care actor network focuses on the logical path of data-driven smart elderly care services, with the purpose of industry docking, platform empowerment,and data efficiency enhancement, centering on service integrators, service providers, service demanders, and the data collection, organization, circulation, and utilization activities they participate in, through processes such as problem identification, benefit granting, subject absorption, and goal mobilization, data drives smart elderly care services.
[Purpose/significance] Intelligence Failure (IF) in the data-intelligence era is a significant contributor to the failure of intelligence operations. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the causes and avoidance strategies of IF in the data-intelligence era. [Method/process] Firstly, the influence of the data-intelli⁃gence era on intelligence operations was discussed and IF in the data-intelligence era was presented. Secondly, the causes of IF in the data-intelligence era were analyzed from multiple perspectives. Finally, a system of avoidance strat⁃egies for IF in the data-intelligence era was constructed and analyzed. [Result/conclusion] The results show that the causes of IF in the data-intelligence era mainly involve various factors at three levels: IF subjects, IF technologies and IF environments. In response to the causes of IF in the data-intelligence era, ten avoidance strategies for IF are pro⁃posed.
[Purpose/significance] While AIGC strongly empowers scientific research knowledge production, it also triggers traditional academic misconduct risks such as plagiarism, fabrication and falsification, giving rise to new risk patterns such as AI ghostwriting and AI technology limited academic misconduct, which will impact on the current sci⁃entific research evaluation system. It is necessary to trace the root causes of these risks and regulate them. [Method/process] By deconstructing the underlying logic of AIGC intervention in knowledge production, it can be seen that Gen⁃erative AI acts on the knowledge level evolution path of "data-information-knowledge", as well as the thinking opera⁃tion process of knowledge search and evaluation, resulting in diverse types of Human-AI collaboration relationships,such as AI dominant, AI cooperative and AI assisted. The academic misconduct responsibilities of researchers vary un⁃der different types of Human- AI collaboration. [Result/conclusion] In terms of specific responsibility regulation
schemes, the traditional objective accountability stance is difficult to cope with the problem of "identity mismatch" be⁃tween AIGC academic misconduct subjects and responsible subjects. In this regard, the subjective accountability stance should be adopted, and set differentiated academic normative obligations such as originality declaration, trans⁃parency obligation, falsification prohibition, viewpoint tracing and factual examination for the author based on their "participation" and "contribution" in knowledge production. The author's subjective fault and its condemnability could be further evaluated by the nature and degree of obligation violations, thereby achieving a reasonable construction of the AIGC academic misconduct risk responsibility system.
[Purpose/significance] Accurately grasping the driving factors and irrational performance characteristics of different types of social media users' differential situational motivational states under the risk perception of opinion in⁃volvement, and improving the targeting of the regulation of irrational user behavior and online public opinion risk man⁃agement. [Method/process] Based on the semi-structured interview data, user labels are extracted by using the root⁃ing theory, and a social media user portrait model of irrational behavior under the risk perception of public opinion in⁃volvement is constructed under the framework of the situation theory of problem solving, and the group structure of four categories of user portraits with significant differences is derived through the K-means clustering algorithm for empiri⁃cal analysis. [Result/conclusion] The irrational behavior user groups under the perception of risk of public opinion in⁃volvement can be divided into four categories: information-addicted, passive-adherent, interest-focused, and lossavoidance,and according to the characteristics of the different dimensional labels, behavioral guidance strategies can be proposed from the four aspects of demand guidance, information regulation, emotional reshaping, and technological empowerment.
[Purpose/significance] The increasing prevalence and pernicious impact of misinformation on social media present a formidable challenge for which algorithms and experts alone are increasingly inadequate. Research has dem⁃onstrated that proactive individual verification of information can effectively combat misinformation. Therefore, it is im⁃perative to investigate strategies to boost social media users' intention to verify information before sharing it. [Method/process] Based on the theory of planned behavior, this study aims to construct a model on the factors that influence us⁃ers' intention to verify before sharing on social media. An empirical test was conducted to validate the proposed model and all assumptions. [Result/conclusion] The results indicate that five factors fundamentally influence users' verifica⁃tion intention before sharing on social media. Specifically, competency and awareness enhance perceived behavioral control, while awareness, discussion heterogeneity preference, and third-person perception increase attitudes, and per⁃
ceived social support strengthens subjective norms. Furthermore, perceived behavioral control, attitudes, and subjec⁃tive norms strengthen verification intention before sharing. Subjective norms also indirectly promote verification inten⁃tion by promoting attitudes. However, perceived information overload negatively moderates the association between per⁃ceived behavioral control and verification intention before sharing. The findings deepen the understanding of users' health information verification behaviour and provide new insights for stakeholders in health misinformation gover⁃nance.
[Purpose/significance] Virtual digital human are becoming the new darling of various industries in the era of digital economy. This study deeply identifies and analyzes the driving factors of virtual digital human users' online participation behavior from user demand perspective, which provides reference for the theoretical research and optimi⁃
zation of operation practice of virtual digital human. [Method/process] This study collects the bullet screen text re⁃
leased by the users of Bilibili in the original videos of typical virtual digital human such as Hatsune Miku, Luo Tianyi
and Liu Yexi. Based on the computational grounded theory, combined with the uses and gratifications theory, this study
extracts the demand factors of virtual digital human user's online participation behavior, then analyzes the relationships
between virtual digital human user's demand and the influence paths on online participation behavior. [Result/conclu⁃
sion] Virtual digital human users’demand includes emotional demand, social demand, content demand and aesthetic
acceptance demand, which all affect their online participation behavior. Content demand, aesthetic acceptance demand
and social demand affect users'emotional demand. Several useful optimization strategies from users’demand perspec⁃
tive are accordingly put forward, such as shaping rich and three-dimensional character setting, creating substantial and
interesting personalized content, and providing real-time and continuous emotional relationship.
[Purpose/significance] In emergency situations, information search obstacles and information asymmetry lead to the obstruction of event information dissemination. Evaluating and analyzing the friction of online public opin⁃ion information in emergency situations, and providing reference theoretical tools for emergency management are of great significance for improving the government's public opinion governance capabilities. [Method/process] Based on the concept of information friction in information economics, an evaluation indicator system for online public opinion in⁃formation friction in the context of public events is constructed from two dimensions: information search obstacles and information asymmetry. Using the entropy weight method to evaluate and rank information friction in different thematic time periods, we compare online public opinion information friction based on the Kruskal Wallis non parametric test for different lifecycles and topic types. The effectiveness of emergency response is measured from a public perspective.The impact mechanism of information friction on emergency response effectiveness is revealed through correlation anal⁃
ysis. [Result/conclusion] This study establishes a quantitative standard for the friction of online public opinion infor⁃mation. Results find significant differences in information friction among different lifecycles and theme types, with high⁃er friction in the initiation and outbreak periods, and higher friction in the topics of investigation accountability and emotional expression. There is a significant negative correlation between information friction and the effectiveness of emergency response. Information search obstacles have a greater impact on the effectiveness of emergency response compared with information asymmetry. The findings provide suggestions for government departments to govern the dis⁃semination of online public opinion information during public events.