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  • Information and Documentation Services. 2017, 38(4): 109-112.
  • Zeng Yueliang, Han Shixi
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(2): 73-83.
     [Purpose/significance] The intelligent technology use barrier for the elderly is an important challenge fac? ing the digital transformation of society. Analyzing the content structure of related policies has a strong practical guid? ing value for policy optimization and stakeholders’collaborative participation. [Method/process] This study con? structs a three- dimensional framework integrates policy instruments, digital divide, and actors to code policy texts, then proposed policy optimization strategies based on quantitative results. [Result/conclusion] Three types of policy in? struments have not been used in balance, and the sub-types of instruments have not been fully used; the policy instru? ments focus on solving the access divides, and rely on limited policy instruments to narrow the digital divide; the types of actors are diverse but their responsibilities are unevenly distributed, the roles of some types of actors are not outstand? ing enough. Corresponding optimization strategies are proposed.
  • Ding Botao
    Information and Documentation Services. 2011, 32(6): 103-105.

    The paper describes the historical development of Open- Source Intelligence ( OSINT) , and discusses the value and drawback of OSINT. Based on the analysis of the OSINT work in some developed countries such as the United States, Europe and Australia, the paper gives some suggestions to Chinese OSINT work.

  • Information and Documentation Services. 2018, 39(4): 109-112.
  • Li Wenwen Chen Ya
    Information and Documentation Services. 2013, 34(5): 35-38.

    This paper compares the connotations, papers and research projects of data curaion at home and abroad through literature research,and summarize its development situation and future trends in China.

  • Deng Zhonghua,Li Zhifang
    Information and Documentation Services. 2013, 34(4): 19-23.

    The paper analyzes the background of the evolution of scientific research paradigm and explains its evolution process. The authors importantly explain the key points in data-intensive science and scientific research paradigm. Finally the authors present its whole evolution process and architecture using knowledge map.

  • Yang siluo Han ruizhen
    Information and Documentation Services. 2013, 34(6): 15-20.

    From the narrow view of the concept of knowledge map,this paper proposes a overall framework of applied research in mapping knowledge domain ,systematically sums up  the knowledge mapping application in foreign,Finally,the authors make the in — depth research outlook of relevant  application.

  • Wang Xiwei Xing Yunfei Zhang Liu Li Shimeng
    Information and Documentation Services. 2017, 38(4): 6-14.

    This paper collects domestic and foreign relevant papers about Internet public opinion and uses documen?tal analysis, quantitative research and knowledge graph to make a comparative and visual analysis of domestic and for?eign Internet public opinion from origins and development, hotspot trends and methods. As for research trend, it shows that the number of papers about Internet public opinion in social media era is increasing year by year. Furthermore, in the sight of hotspot, research abroad chiefly about users’behavior and propagation characteristic of Internet public opinion in different social media. While domestic research mainly focus on propagation and evolution laws of Internet public opinion in social media. In the future, big data analysis method of Internet public opinion in social media era and Internet public opinion propagation in the mobile context will be the frontier issues in its research development.

  • Song Jia, Wen Liangming, Li Yang
    Information and Documentation Services. 2021, 42(1): 57-68.
    [Purpose/significance]The FAIR principle has become the international standard for scientific data management, studying the concept and connotation of this principle will help the layout and practice of national scientific data management. [Method/process] Based on literature research and online research. Firstly, the background of the FAIR principle is introduced from the perspective of the characteristics of the times. Then, analyzes the specific content of the four sub-principles that are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable through key words. Finally, introduces the research and practical progress on FAIR principle from four aspects: academic conferences, research results, scientific plans, and data publishing.[Result/conclusion] The article believes that the continuous accumulation of data resources, the change of scientific research paradigm, and the global action of data sharing have laid the background for the emergence of FAIR principles. The four sub-principles and their 15 specific principles are progressively advanced, and together describe the FAIR system. We deem that future scientific data sharing system will develop towards integration, intelligence, and ecology.
  • Qin Xiaozhu Zhang Xingwang
    Information and Documentation Services. 2018, 39(2): 103-111.

    The application idea and idea of digital twins in digital construction of material cultural heritage are put forward. This paper introduces the concept and development process of digital twins, probes into the commonness theory and common characteristics of the two fusions, analyzes their operation mechanism, and puts forward and analyzes the corresponding implementation scheme.Digital twin technology can be used to explore and predict the possible problems and status of the future of material cultural heritage, and then find better protection, inheritance, development and utilization of material heritage strategies and methods.

  • An Xiaomi Guo Mingjun Wei Wei Chen Hui
    Information and Documentation Services. 2018, 39(1): 6-11.

    This paper aims to construct an explicit and consistent data governance system by a systematic review ofcore concepts, initiatives, strategies and achievable approaches from 10 representative academic papers with defini?tions of big data governance under a pluralistic thinking. The authors propose a complementary framework of data gover?nance system construction for a clear clarification on the contents and key elements for big data governance system con?struction. This study has theoretical contributions for common understandings on big data governance system buildingand has pragmatic implications for achieving consensus to effective communication among different stakeholders.

  • Huang Ruhua, Qiu Chunyan
    Information and Documentation Services. 2013, 34(4): 24-30.

    The overseas studies on scientific data sharing focus on several aspects, including the motivations and obstacles, the substantive influences, the cognition and the responsibility of different stakeholders, relative policy and law, scientific data sharing in the life cycle of data curation, the application and development of metadata and ontology. The key points in current researches of scientific data sharing are solutions of problems in the data sharing action, the influences of data sharing and the application of new information organization technology.

  • Ma Can
    Information and Documentation Services. 2016, 37(3): 63-67.

    The paper compares the difference of the medical big data project home and abroad from the resource sharing subject,object,technology and mode, and hopes to promote the further development of medical resource utilization in China's big data era.

  • Sun Ruiying Ma Haiqun
    Information and Documentation Services. 2019, 40(1): 33-43.
    This article describes the connotation of the overall national security concept and the supporting role of traditional excellent Chinese culture in implementing the overall national security concept,and clarifies the strategic needs of the overall national security concept for intelligence work. It explains the content of the multi-factor winning logic system of the Art of War,and analyzes the guiding significance of the multi factor winning logic system of the Art of War to information work,summarizes the enlightenment of the philosophical theory of the Art of War on the construction of the national intelligence work system under the view of the overall national security concept. On this basis, puts forward the path and strategies of construction national intelligence work security system.
  • Information and Documentation Services. 2016, 37(4): 109-112.
  • Liu Ying Zhang Huang
    Information and Documentation Services. 2014, 35(4): 56-61.

    In this paper,it selected a WeChat user randonly,and listed theirs relationship between the friends to format user relationship network,and combined with the social theory to analyze. It finds that the relationships networks between WeChat users conforms to the characteristics of small world network,that clustering coefficient is high and the average path length is short . The user's status in the network are different,and user relationship shows a pattern of difference sequence . and there are strong and weak relationships . At the same time,based on geographical,geopolitical,interest and academic affiliation relationship,there are a large number of groups in the relationship network between WeChat users,and some groups have shared members . There are some communication and exchange between the groups,but in the network,users are more tend to internal communication than between the groups .


  • WangQing
    Information and Documentation Services. 2014, 35(1): 52-57.

    Effective management,development and utilization of scientific data is a vital work in the e - Science environment,data a curation is a continuous dynamic management activity,DC have important short - term benefits and long - term value,caused foreign scholars’s widespread concern . Foreign university communities and research institutions have carried out series of effective practice and exploration,library and information science schools have set up targeted DC education and training programs in order to shape the future DC profrssional,the operation main constituent of DC proposed improvement programs or strategic plans aiming at the present development situation to support the sustainable development of DC.



  • Zhang Ni Wang Jingyuan
    Information and Documentation Services. 2017, 38(3): 33-41.

    Based on the perspective of CiteSpace knowledge mapping, this paper uses the literature of knowledge map?ping theory research and application in Web of Science and CSSCI as the research object, summarizes the current knowledge of hot research field based on the respective analysis of the domestic and foreign knowledge of hot cluster?ing, and makes some judgment on the trend of future development.

  • Wen Liangming, Zhang Lili, Li Jianhui
    Information and Documentation Services. 2019, 40(2): 38-44.
    The paper had carried out quantitative statistics on relevant literature at home and abroad, resolved the current research hotspots, analyzed the new problems faced by scientific data sharing in the era of big data, and predicted some possible research directions. The authors found that, the research hotspots of scientific data sharing are mainly focused on ethical theory, ethical dilemmas, and causes governance measures and so on. In the era of big data, scientific data sharing faces new issues, such as data boundary expansion, various data structures, and blurred data rights. Future research can focus on issues such as the data divide, data pollution, data privacy protection, and data dissimilation.
  • Zhao Ling Zhang Jing
    Information and Documentation Services. 2013, 34(5): 65-70.

    Based on a comprehensive study and analysis of the domestic and overseas relevant literature, the paper combines with the research hotspot and research emphasis, summarizes and analyzes the contents of microblog user behavior research, to analyze user behavior from four aspects of theoretical foundation, motivation analysis, the basic characteristics of the micro-blog user behavior and prediction and impact of the user behavior; and at the same time it evaluates simply the research, but also proposes the focus and the main content on the microblog user behavior on the future.

  • Liu Luchuan, Zhang Bingqian, Sun Kai
    Information and Documentation Services. 2019, 40(5): 68-76.
    Based on the grounded theory, 46 interviewees were interviewed through personal in-depth interviews and focus group interviews, and the interview data was analyzed in three stages to construct an integrated analysis model of social media users' anxiety. User anxiety is affected by emotional cognition and experience, platform environment and operation quality. Under the effect of user personality traits, it is characterized by state anxiety and general anxiety. Anxiety further leads to the user's avoidance behavior. The intensity and behavior of the avoidance behavior are regulated by the characteristics of the individual's ability, and positive avoidance behavior or passive avoidance behavior occurs. Active avoidance behavior will have a feedback effect on the Weibo platform environment and the quality of Weibo operations when users use it personally.
  • Pan Taotao, Lu Yingjie
    Information and Documentation Services. 2022, 43(2): 76-83.
    [Purpose/significance] Based on the SOR(Stimulus-Organism-Response) model, this study explored the ef? fect of social support on user engagement based on the mediating role of emotion in online health communities.[Meth? od/process] Taking social support as the "Stimulus" (S) factor and emotion as the " Organism "(O) factor, this paper studied the mechanism of users' " Response" (R).We obtained 465 337 posts by 244 users from an online health com? munity as sample data. The hierarchical regression analysis is used to test the conceptual model. [Result/conclusion] The results show that information support, emotional support and social support provided by the online health communi? ty had a positive impact on the users' engagement behavior. In addition, user emotion has a significant partial mediating effect on the relationship between social support and user engagement behavior, and this mediating effect is moderated by user gender, that is, the mediating effect of emotion has a greater impact on male users.
  • An Xiaomi
    Information and Documentation Services. 2013, 34(4): 31-35.

    This paper selects three international accepted smart city knowledge center and intelligent centers for case studies, their context and initiatives, institutional strategies and collaboration mechanisms, technology systems and the applications are analyzed. Experiences of data, information and knowledge sharing across multi-dimensions, collaborations on comprehensive decision-making are synthesized. The study has implications to the construction of Chinese smart city knowledge center and its institutional systems.

  • Wang Qing
    Information and Documentation Services. 2014, 35(5): 33-38.

    Data Curation is an emerging frontier domain of library and information science,Chinese scholars have slightly different cognition of the concept of DC,it is necessary to redefine its Chinese translation. The basic features and values of DC are diverse,university library plays an important role in DC activities,and carries out the DC services in a variety of forms,and should seize the chance for development based on the chance of DC research,and the localization of DC services needs the guidance of advanced concepts of coordination and interaction.


  • Cheng Lianjuan
    Information and Documentation Services. 2013, 34(5): 110-112.

    The paper gives a brief introduce to big data firstly, then discusses the usage practice of big data prompted by America, there are as followings: government leads and whole people mobilize so as to abet the research and development of big data; non-mercantilism organization and education institute expand public service making use of big data actively; the library area responds actively, researches and attempts using big data. Lastly, based on these, the paper analyzes the beneficial references for our country brought by American experiences with the view of library.

  • Liao Yufeng
    Information and Documentation Services. 2017, 38(1): 62-66.

    The paper summarizes the concept and characteristics of Augmented Reality (AR) technology and elaborates application of AR technology in libraries, including individual reading guidance service, resource utilization pattern, individual borrowing system, comprehensive development and integration of resources, intelligent shelving and other aspects. Barriers and solutions concerning popularization of AR technology in China’s libraries are then presented in the paper.

  • Zhu Qingsong Leng Fu hai
    Information and Documentation Services. 2013, 34(5): 39-43.

    Firstly, the paper introduces the connotation and three major steps of citation content analysis. Then the paper reviews the relevant research progress. At last, the paper gives a prospect for its potential applications.

  • Yang Guangyuan CaoXia Ning Zuobin PanXu
    Information and Documentation Services. 2014, 35(2): 29-33.

    Firstly,the paper does statistcal analysis for the topics that the document of domestuic community discovery discussed through the bibliometrics methods . Second,based on the above analysis,the paper generalizes a conclusion that domestic community discovery mainly included the following researchs :the concept of community, the algorithm,and the strategy ,the model and application area of community discovery . Finally,the paper analyzes the topics form the above five aspects on the research statues of domestic  community discovery ,and points out the characterstic ,the disadvantage and the future development  of the research on domestic community discovery . 

  • Zhou Xiaoying Cai Wenjuan
    Information and Documentation Services. 2014, 35(4): 50-55.

    The study explores college studets' health informationseeking bebavior on the Web by semi-structured in-depth interviews . Through open coding and descriptive statististics,the study analyzes users' seeking behavior patterns . According to the results of the interviews and case analysis,the study proposes users' three kinds of health information seeking behavior patterns which are encounter obtaining,problem solving,long-term focus on type . And the study analyzes the characteristics of the various patterns and influencing factors .

  • Zhang Yujie An Xiaomi Zhang Guoqing
    Information and Documentation Services. 2018, 39(1): 28-32.

    To deal with existing problems in current situation that ability and development path in government's big data governance is not clear, this paper puts forward a big data governance maturity assessment indicator system for theevaluation and optimization of government’s data governance plan and policy. By defining definitions of maturity, information governance, data governance and big data governance, this paper summarizes the research status and result ofgovernment's big data governance maturity studies, formulates key components of a big data governance maturity, andcombines practical needs of Action Outline on Promoting Big Data Development, finally proposes a evaluation index system of government’s big data governance maturity, and a government’s big data maturity evaluation model.The researchresults can be used as self-evaluation and improvement tools for current government big data development, at the sametime might be used as benchmark criteria for comparison big data governance abilities between different regions.