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  • Wu Dawei, Lian Jingwen, Zhao Yuxiang, Jia Mingxia
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(4): 64-75. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2024.04.007
    [Purpose/significance] With the exponential growth of work-related data, digital hoarding has become a typical irrational behavior in the workplace. By clarifying the influencing factors and mechanisms of digital hoarding be⁃havior in this context, this study aims to provide recommendations for optimizing existing research paradigms and im⁃plementing targeted coping strategies. [Method/process] Based on the I-PACE model, this research explores the influ⁃encing factors of digital hoarding behavior in the workplace across seven dimensions: individual characteristics, organi⁃zational pressure, technostress, coping styles, cognitive biases, emotional and cognitive responses, and lack of self-con⁃trol. Additionally, it analyzes the conceptual implications and behavioral consequences. Through normative analysis,this study elucidates five influencing and action mechanisms: individual bias mechanisms, emotion intensification
    mechanisms, cognitive dissonance mechanisms, compensatory loss of control mechanisms, and behavioral consequence mechanisms, proposing five normative propositions accordingly. [Result/conclusion] This study constructs a frame⁃work for the influencing mechanism of digital hoarding behavior in the workplace based on the I-PACE model. Future research prospects and coping strategies are suggested for different mechanisms. The findings aim to enrich research on digital hoarding behavior and optimize information management practices in the workplace.
  • Chen Rui, Jiang Yihui
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(4): 87-95. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2024.04.009
    [Purpose/significance] In current research, there is less focus on the governance issues of training data for generative artificial intelligence. However, there are numerous risks in the lifecycle of training data that cannot be ig⁃nored and urgently need effective governance. [Methods/process] This paper, based on the demonstration that training data is the core driving force of generative artificial intelligence, uses the theoretical model of the data lifecycle to com⁃prehensively summarize the possible risk patterns in the training data lifecycle. Then, it analyzes the causes of related risks from the perspectives of the intrinsic characteristics of the training data, ecological factors, and operational factors of generative AI developers. [Results/conclusion] It can be found that the fragmented nature and biases of the data are the starting points for risk occurrence; the ecological imbalance of the data is an external cause leading to risk; mean⁃while, the "black box" training data, biased data labeling, and lax data desensitization are internal causes of risk occur⁃rence.Therefore, targeting the characteristics of training data, a comprehensive risk governance scheme that encompass⁃es legal, market, community norms, and frameworks can be constructed using the "compassionate dots" framework.
  • Zhang Yuhan, Chen Gang
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(4): 5-13. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2024.04.001
    [Purpose/significance] On the basis of clarifying the historical development process of information science theory in China, explore the two dimensions of modernization development of information science theory in the new era.[Method/process] This article takes literature content analysis and autonomous theory construction as the main re⁃search methods, supported by some high-quality information science theory literature, governance theory literature,Marxist classic works, and new era party and government decision-making deployment documents publicly published in China. it analyzes and points out the areas that urgently need to be strengthened in the current development of infor⁃mation science theory, and proposes targeted development strategies.[Result/conclusion] The research results indicate that significant achievements have been made in the theoretical research of information science in China, but there is still a need for continuous improvement in terms of local adaptability, thinking mode construction, discourse system connection, theoretical timeliness and practicality. We can try to use the self-built governance concept system and the shaping of security concepts under the overall national security perspective as two dimensions to guide the moderniza⁃tion of information science theory, providing comprehensive theoretical scientific, contemporary, and authoritative sup⁃port. On the basis of strengthening the current situation and solving problems, we can further expand the perspective of information science theory reproduction and deepen our understanding and research of intelligence practice. And it is also necessary to promote interdisciplinary research in information science based on independent professional estab⁃lishment.

  • Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(3): 5-7.
  • Zhou Yi, Guo Langrui
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(3): 70-77. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2024.03.007
    [Purpose/significance] In addition to the leakage of data itself, data security risk includes the implicit secu⁃ rity risk brought about by data correlation analysis and intelligence generation and perception. In order to solve the con⁃ tradiction between open source intelligence derived from public data access and national security, it is necessary to im⁃ plement the governance of implicit data security risk, so as to improve the national data governance system and protect national data sovereignty. [Method/process] An analytical framework is established based on risk management under consequentialism to sort out the behavioral and cognitive flows of implicit data security risk governance. Based on the ontological understanding of implicit data security risk, its manifestations and generative logic are comprehensively sorted out, and targeted governance mechanisms are constructed. [Result/conclusion] Implicit data security risk has the existential state characteristics of concealment and randomness, the movement characteristics of transferability and diffusion, and the environmental characteristics of scenario and accumulation. Based on the generative logic of cogni⁃ tion, interest, system, and technology, it exhibits security risks in dark data, data aggregation, data mining, data profil⁃ ing, data rights, and privacy compute.
  • Tang Xuemei, Lai Shengqiang
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(3): 41-48. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2024.03.004
    [Purpose/significance] Online negative emotion is an important factor to promote the outbreak of online public opinion events. And online emotion itself is the emotional response of online users to public opinion events. How⁃ ever, how the characteristics of public opinion events affect the negative emotion intensity and emotion type of individu⁃ als is still lacking of in-depth discussion. [Method/process] Two experiments were conducted to explore the impact of characteristics such as event severity, event responsibility, and event uncertainty on the initial emotion of the audience. [Result/conclusion] The results show that the responsibility and severity of events have a positive impact on the of neg⁃ ative emotion intense, and anger, fear, anxiety and sadness of the audience are prevalent in different situations of public opinion event responsibility and event uncertainty.
  • Zhang Xiaoyue
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(3): 60-69. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2024.03.006
    [Purpose/significance] Generation Z (Gen Z) users account for more than half of China’s social media us⁃ ers. Their social media culture characteristics including (1) meme as a language,(2)leveraging the technology to cope with the negative influences that social media platforms posed,(3)Finsta culture. Understanding Gen Z users’informa⁃ tion posting behaviors in social media, can provide empirical references for understanding their preferences on their us⁃ age and intentions of Internet activities. [Method/process] Through theoretical sampling, semi-structured interviews were conducted among 12 Gen Z users who had both primary and secondary accounts on the same social media plat⁃ form. Based on grounded theory, the transcript of the interviews was analyzed. Finally, 6 core categories are identified, namely, Gen Zs’use purpose on social media, privacy cognition, interpersonal relationships cognition, information re⁃ ceiver cognition, spaces’boundaries setting on social media, and social media information posting behaviors. The rela⁃ tionships among the 18 specific categories and the 3 transformation paths of users’migration were discussed. [Result/ conclusion] Gen Z users“social disconnections”“emotionexpressionandself- emotion regulation”,and“self- develop⁃ ment”usage needs on social media promote their resetting on spaces within same social media platform. Such informa⁃ tion practice creates and enhances Gen Z users’new cognition on online interpersonal interaction that is“Secondary Account as Privacy”. Based on such cognition, Gen Z users can redefine the boundaries of“privacy space”on social media, by controlling the posted information’s scope, content’s context, and frequencies. Based on that, this paper dis⁃ cusses the user experience optimization service approaches, from the perspective of the platform and users.
  • Zhang Yue , Zhao Tian , Huang Bingbing , Zhu Qinghua
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(2): 75-85. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2024.02.009
    [Purpose/significance] Based on media dependency theory, this study examines the different social infor⁃ mation avoidance strategies used by users with varying levels of social media dependence to the effects of mobile read⁃ ing. This study on social information avoidance as proactive strategy is of great significance for enhancing users’read⁃ ing experience, facilitating deep reading and cracking the cocoon of mobile reading. [Method/process] Using the me⁃ dia dependence theory and the quasi-experimental design approach, the study empirically analyzes the influence of so⁃ cial media dependence levels and social information avoidance strategy on mobile reading effect. [Result/conclusion] The results of the research indicate that social information avoidance has a positive impact on reading performance, but the impacts of social information avoidance strategies vary for users with different levels of social media dependence. Under the same avoidance strategy, for low- dependence group, the reading effect is better than high- dependence group. It is worth noting that people with high dependence on social media show a deeper reading immersion experi⁃ ence in the selective social information avoidance than in the complete avoidance situation, which has certain reference value of improving the efficiency of information service and the research and development of information products.
  • Zheng Rong, Gao Zhihao, Wang Xiaoyu, Wang Shengwen, Wei Mingzhu
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(2): 86-96. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2024.02.010
    [Purpose/significance] In the era of comprehensive digital transformation and value release of data ele⁃ ments, data security governance has become extremely important. Therefore, focusing on the issue of industrial data se⁃ curity governance in complex information environments and exploring and proposing a complete industrial data securi⁃ ty governance system framework will help to reduce the risks of industrial data throughout the supply, circulation, and use processes, and promote the effective release of industrial data value and the implementation of industrial digitiza⁃ tion. [Method/process] On the basis of literature research and comparative analysis, this article defines the connota⁃ tion of industrial data security governance in complex information environments, uses blockchain, privacy computing, and data lake technology to build a underlying technical architecture, proposes administrative measures for security governance of industrial data supply, circulation, and usage ends, and constructs a framework for industrial data securi⁃ ty governance system with "core elements technical architecture administrative measures" as the core. [Result/conclu⁃ sion] This article systematically proposes industrial data security governance issues, governance methods, and system architecture in complex information environments. Taking the artificial intelligence industry as an example, while veri⁃ fying the feasibility of the governance system framework, it also elaborates on the operational process and guarantee strategies of the industrial data security governance system, providing guidance for effectively solving data security is⁃ sues throughout the entire process of industrial data elements in complex information environments.
  • Zhao Ziyu
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(2): 30-37. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2024.02.004
    [Purpose/significance] The widespread use of generative artificial intelligence has given rise to multiple da⁃ ta security risks. Traditional reactive and centralized governance models seem inadequate to address these new chal⁃ lenges. In contrast, agile governance, with its flexible approach, demonstrates a unique superiority. [Method/process] Firstly, a meticulous examination of the multifaceted risks in data security posed by generative artificial intelligence is conducted. Subsequently, a comparative analysis of the efficacy of three governance models in risk management is car⁃ ried out. It is suggested that China should promptly transition its governance model. Guided by this, a specific gover⁃ nance framework is constructed. [Result/conclusion] The agile governance approach, characterized by its adaptability, flexibility, and inclusiveness, offers a highly effective strategy for addressing data security risks associated with emerg⁃ ing technologies like generative artificial intelligence. It allows for the continuous optimization of the governance sys⁃ tem for generative artificial intelligence data security. Within the agile governance framework, it is essential to embrace the adaptive governance concept of "equal emphasis on prevention and response", construct a resilient governance mechanism that promotes "diverse participation and collaborative interactions",and employ inclusive governance ap⁃ proaches that combine technology with legal measures. This way, a comprehensive framework for ensuring the security of generative artificial intelligence data is constructed.
  • Si Li, He Yi, Guo Xiaotong
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(1): 12-22. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2024.01.001
    [Purpose/significance] Since the 21st century, the themes, methods and applications of Knowledge Organi⁃ zation (KO) research have presented new features under the influence of the new generation of scientific and technologi⁃ cal revolution. By summarizing and refining relevant research topics and features abroad, this paper can provide refer⁃ ence for Chinese scholars in this field. [Method/process] This study first comprehensively collected the relevant litera⁃ ture of foreign KO from 2000 to 2022, and then used content analysis to code them one by one to obtain the characteris⁃ tics of research topics and research contents of KO. [Result/conclusion] Important findings of this study include: the KO research topics tend to be diversified, and the focus has shifted from digitization to dataization and semantics; the quality assessment of knowledge organization systems is emphasized; the organization method presents a coexistence trend of technology, crowdsourcing and experts; application areas has centered on scenario-oriented research. It is sug⁃ gested that Chinese KO research should: (1)focus on the construction of Chinese data infrastructure and promote the process of knowledge integration and association;(2)establish a reasonable evaluation system to improve KO quality; (3) accelerate the organization of intelligent data by "crowdsourcing + technology + experts"; (4)expand the application in specific fields to improve the service level.
  • Zhang Ning
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(1): 46-54. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2024.01.004
    [Purpose/significance] Identifying and reasonably applying dark data is beneficial for maximizing data val⁃ ue. [Method/process] Taking user retrieval behavior as an example, based on the elaboration of problem reconstruc⁃ tion ideas and methods, a framework design is carried out for specific application scenarios in public libraries. Key breakthrough technologies are discussed from three aspects: retrieval behavior reconstruction, dark data recognition, dark data evaluation and grading. [Result/conclusion] Based on the above ideas and methods, empirical research was conducted to identify and process dark data in the Wenjin search system of the National Library. The feasibility of rec⁃ ognizing and applying dark data in public libraries was demonstrated by constructing a user retrieval intention data⁃ base, constructing a user retrieval trend analysis tool, and implementing data protection through reverse utilization of dark data.
  • Zeng Yueliang , Lv Xiaolong
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(1): 101-110. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2024.01.009
    [Purpose/significance] Improving the older adults’digital literacy is necessary to bridge the social digital divide and promote digital inclusion. Singapore government's initiatives and successful experience to improve older adults' digital literacy can provide references for the top-level design, project development and implementation optimi⁃ zation of the government of China. [Method/process] Based on literature, this paper conducts an in-depth investiga⁃ tion on Singapore government and older adults service websites, obtains the government-issued policy on older adults’ digital literacy and the information of its leading projects, and systematically sorts out the key initiatives. [Result/con⁃ clusion] Singapore government's core initiatives to improve older adults' digital literacy include formulating policies, setting up specialized agencies and service teams, establishing platform for digital skills learning and communication, and providing financial and equipment support. These initiatives led by government and widely participated by various social forces, are characterized by paying attention to the role of generations and peers, combining online and offline learning models, and obtaining multi-party financial and technical support. According to the present situation of prac⁃ tice in our country, the government is supposed to give full play to its functions and integrate superior resources of vari⁃ ous social parties, design practical projects with nationwide influence, expand the platform of learning digital skills for older adults, and increase financial support and supply of age-friendly smart devices.
  • Xia Yikun , Qian Jinlin
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(6): 15-24. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.06.002
     [Purpose/significance] Scientific research integrity is the cornerstone of scientific and technological inno⁃ vation. With the popularization of data-driven research paradigm, the proportion of scientific research misconduct such as data falsification and tampering has increased significantly, highlighting the close internal relationship between sci⁃ entific research integrity management and scientific research data management. [Method/process] This paper compre⁃ hensively uses system analysis method, case analysis method and comparative analysis method to analyze the interac⁃ tive strengthening effect and gradual accumulation effect of the linkage development of scientific research integrity man⁃ agement and scientific research data management, and then discusses the current predicament of scientific research in⁃ tegrity management from the six elements of subject, object, rule, technology, community and division of labor and their interactive relations under the guidance of activity theory. [Result/conclusion] This paper builds an explanatory frame⁃ work for scientific research integrity management from the perspective of data management, and puts forward a joint de⁃ velopment path of integrity management and data management, including promoting the overall layout of scientific integ⁃ rity management with complete data system, promoting the system construction of integrity management with high data quality, and deepening the internal driving force of scientific integrity management with efficient data development.
  • Guan Qian, Xia Yikun
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(6): 25-34. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.06.003
    [Purpose/significance] A comprehensive analysis of the complexity of data problems and the deep logic be⁃ hind them has important theoretical and practical guiding significance for grasping the core crux of scientific research data management and improving the scientific research data management performance. [Method/process] This paper uses Bourdieu's "field- habitus" theory to break through the limitation of traditional binary opposition, and aims to deeply reveal the practical problems of data power, subject behavior and resource allocation in scientific research data management.By selecting the retraction papers of periodicals included by WOS and Retraction Watch as the analysis objects, and using statistical analysis, comparative analysis and scientometrics methods, it is found that the current sci⁃ entific research data management problems in China were generally showing a trend of excessive growth, variable type, complexity hierarchy, intertwined reasons, plural subject, and wide distribution. [Result/conclusion] The results show that, data problem mapping scientific research data management value deviation, and the differential mode of associa⁃ tion in scientific research data management subject、the poor data management practices habitus、profit-seeking behav⁃ ior、absence of policy supervision. Therefore, the scientific research data management in China should address both symptoms and root causes. It is necessary not only to effectively optimize the academic evaluation system, improve the management system of scientific research integrity, but also to balance the incentive and distribution pattern of scientif⁃ ic research data management, improve data literacyand the scientific research data management system.
  • Wei Jianxiang, Liang Shuai, Zhu Yunxia, Huang Weidong
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(6): 35-43. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.06.004
    [Purpose/significance] "Event" is the core concept of human social activities and the key element of intelli⁃ gence activities. With the development of machine learning, big data, artificial intelligence and other emerging technol⁃ ogies, a new technology with event as the research object, named "Event Evolution Graph" (EEG), comes into being. This paper sorts out and summarizes the research advance of the EEG, so as to provide reference for the research and application of this technology. [Method/process] The concept, research status and key technologies of the EEG were investigated, analyzed and summarized based on literature research. Firstly, this paper introduces the basic concept and research status. Then, the overall technical framework is summarized and the key technologies related are dis⁃ cussed in detail. Finally, the challenges faced and future prospects of the EEG are proposed. [Result/conclusion] At present, information science research is gradually changing from static object to dynamic object knowledge manage⁃ ment with event as the core. Since it was first proposed in 2017, the EEG has gradually attracted extensive attention from academia and the industry, and has achieved application results in various fields, which will provide strong techni⁃ cal support for the research of information science in the future.
  • An Lu, Huang Hui
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(6): 71-81. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.06.008
    [Purpose/significance] Identifying and evaluating online high-quality advices in crisis situations and ob⁃ taining valuable and usable information can help management departments find solutions to the crisis and solve the cri⁃ sis effectively. [Method/process] According to the characteristics of online advice in crisis situations, this study con⁃ structed a Long Short Term Memory(LSTM)-based user suggestion identification model. Based on the Elaboration Like⁃ lihood Model and the Advice Response Theory, this study built a user advice quality assessment system from two dimen⁃ sions of information quality and source quality. The system consists of indicators such as timeliness, relevance, urgency, and so forth. Taking the public event of“the 49th High School Student in Chengdu Falling from a Building on May 9th”, 2021 as an example, this study identified and evaluated the user advices, ranked and analyzed the distribution of quan⁃ tity and content themes. [Result/conclusion] The online user advices in crisis situations can be classified into highquality advices, usable advices and ordinary advices. The quantitative distribution of the three types of advices and the thematic distribution of their content have different characteristics at different stages of the crisis life cycle. According to these characteristics, this study puts for ward suggestions for management departments to apply user advices and opti⁃ mize the crisis response process.
  • Yang Qiaoying, Xia Yikun
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(6): 6-14. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.06.001
     [Purpose/significance] Explaining structure and evolution of science data policy can promote the construc⁃ tion of science data management system and improve the level of open sharing of science data. [Method/process]This paper constructs a three-dimensional analysis framework based on policy citations, policy subjects and policy themes, and uses the literature research method and social network analysis method to explore the structure and evolution of central level science data policies from 2001 to 2022. [Result/conclusion] It is found that the policy evolution can be divided into four stages: the initial stage, the development stage, the transitional stage, and the innovative stage; at the policy networks of the four stages, the structural features of policy citations, subjects and themes are different. The sus⁃ tainable development of policies benefits from legal protection and top-level planning, the division and collaboration government departments, and the coordination of science data sharing platform and system. To create open and shared science data ecology, the governments should formulate science data strategic plan, build a national integrated science data sharing platform, and accelerate the construction of data security system.
  • Gao Jinsong , Zhou Shubin , Gao Ying , Wu Yanfei , Zhang Qiang
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(5): 82-92. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.05.008
    [Purpose/significance] As an important branch of local chronicles, landscape chronicle contains rich his? torical resources of landscape culture. Semantic knowledge association of its historical data has positive significance for its development and utilization in the digital age. [Method/process] Based on the construction of the semantic knowl? edge association framework of landscape chronicle historical resources, the paper takes "Shahu Zhi" as an example to conduct empirical research. On the basis of data collection and analysis, an ontology model framework is constructed to realize knowledge in the field of landscape chronicle historical resources. The standardization and remodeling of con? cepts, based on the Drupal content management platform for linked data application to realize the relational release of the relationship between the concepts of landscape chronicle historical resources, is combined with the graph database Neo4j to build a knowledge graph to realize multi-dimensional knowledge discovery. [Result/conclusion] Taking "Sha? hu Zhi" as the object, the empirical research verifies the rationality of the semantic knowledge association framework of the landscape chronicle historical resources, and provides a feasible implementation plan for the landscape chronicle historical resources from collection and description to organization and publication, and even knowledge discovery. This research provides a reference value for the semantic organization of historical materials in the field of local chroni? cles, and also provides a new research perspective for the development and utilization of local landscape culture.
  • Zhao Bang, Cao Shujin
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(5): 6-17. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.05.001
    [Purpose/significance] In the face of the unprecedented changes brought about by the advancement of AI and the development of large language models like ChatGPT in the field of information science, the effectiveness and re? liability of generative AI large language models in performing typical tasks in the field of information science are ana? lyzed in many ways, in order to provide advice for efficiently utilizing their abilities to assist scientific research and practical work. [Method/process] Questions were formed by combining the research and practical work content of vari? ous topics in the information field. Tests, comparisons and prompt engineering explorations were carried out on Gpt3.5-Turbo and ChatGLM-6B respectively, and experts-based rating method is used to score, then analyze and evalu? ate the nine abilities of large language models in detail. [Result/conclusion] The large language model has shown strong ability in performing most typical information tasks. Using the prompt engineering can greatly improve the supe? riority of the large language model. Combining external tools can effectively make up for the shortcoming of the large language model itself. Fully exploiting the potential of a large language model will bring about a huge improvement in information work efficiency.
  • Cao Ruye, Cao Shujin
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(5): 18-27. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.05.002
    [Purpose/significance] Artificial intelligence technology is changing rapidly, ChatGPT is driving the trans? formation and development of all walks of life, and the knowledge organization environment has undergone tremendous changes. In this context, it is of great significance to analyze the effectiveness of ChatGPT for knowledge organization tasks and explore the ways and means of knowledge organization and new generation AI integration to promote innova? tion and development in the field of knowledge organization. [Method/process] Taking the knowledge organization sys? tem and actual business as the reference frame, 8 types of experimental tasks such as document description, indexing, and ontology construction are designed. After ChatGPT completes the task according to the prompts, evaluate its com? pletion effect, and then think about the role of ChatGPT in the field of knowledge organization and the future develop? ment trend of knowledge organization. [Result/conclusion] ChatGPT has strong adaptability, but its creativity is limit? ed, and it cannot directly generate usable products in the face of complex knowledge organization tasks. The future de? velopment of the field of knowledge organization needs to give full play to the innovative ability of professionals, and constantly explore the theoretical system and rules and methods for the deep integration of knowledge organization and generative AI such as ChatGPT.
  • Wang Yaqi, Cao Shujin
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(5): 28-38. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.05.003
    [Purpose/significance] This study aims to explore the effectiveness and feasibility of using ChatGPT for evaluating the innovativeness of academic papers. If generative artificial intelligence, represented by ChatGPT, can be employed for paper innovativeness assessment, it has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of innovative? ness evaluation. [Method/process] By simulating real-world demands and application scenarios for evaluating paper innovativeness, we conducted over 24 rounds of innovativeness evaluation experiments across six research domains: life sciences, cellular immunology, marketing, economics, artificial intelligence, and information resource management. Content analysis was employed to thoroughly examine the text generated by ChatGPT during the process of evaluating paper innovativeness, enabling us to study its approach, criteria, and feasibility. [Result/conclusion] The study re? vealed that ChatGPT demonstrated excellent performance in the task of evaluating paper innovativeness, displaying high comprehensiveness and scientific rigor in its evaluation methods and criteria. It effectively accomplished paper in? novativeness evaluations across these research fields. At present, while ChatGPT's stability, accuracy, and authenticity may have some minor limitations, it can still be considered an efficient auxiliary tool for evaluating paper innovative? ness in relevant tasks. The identified shortcomings of using ChatGPT for paper innovativeness evaluation are likely to be gradually addressed with the advancement of prompt engineering, opening up of Internet access, and increased avail? ability of academic databases.
  • Wang Yuqi , Zhou Qingshan, Zhao Feifei
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(4): 77-84. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.04.008
    [Purpose/significance] With the integrating development of e-government and the digital intelligence tech?
    nology, evaluation of electronic public services is increasingly becoming the core path of public access to public servic?
    es. At the same time,it also brings many obstacles to the information vulnerable groups such as the elderly and the dis?
    abled. The existing researches mostly studied the demands of vulnerable groups from small samples such as question?
    naire survey and interview, rarely used text mining to analyze online users’reviews on the utilization of electronic pub?
    lic services of vulnerable groups. This paper will explore the opinion and appeals according to the online comment data,
    and put forward corresponding suggestions to alleviate the obstacles of information vulnerable groups using electronic
    public services.
    [Method/process] This paper collects the related topic news from mainstream media, obtain hot events/topics by clustering algorithms, and collects all reviews according to the web links of specific events. A method of opinion mining and sentiment analysis for online reviews was constructed to analyze the opinion orientation, and the topic encoding of the appeal expression in reviews was carried out.[Result/conclusion]The theme of appeal topics of informationvulnerable groups using electronic public services includes information literacy, social support, technology interaction,and policy assistance. According to this, we further propose relevant suggestions to improve the information services.
  • Liu Yiming, Li Lu
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(4): 85-95. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.04.009
    [Purpose/significance] To investigate and analyze the current situation of the construction of health infor?
    mation service projects for the elderly in Australian public libraries, and to provide reference for the development of rel?
    evant services by public libraries in our country under the layout of "Healthy China" and the national aging strategy.
    [Method/process] Through the network survey method, combined with the literature research method and the case
    analysis method, according to the ranking of public libraries in the provision of health services in Australia, whether
    there are special health information service projects for the elderly as the sampling criteria, the basic construction of
    the seven public library projects selected is introduced, and the project construction objectives, types, characteristics
    and shortcomings are analyzed from four aspects: project construction objectives, types, characteristics and deficien?
    cies. [Result/conclusion] Public libraries should strengthen top-level design and implement the leading role of author?
    itative institutions; establish normal cooperation to extend and ensure the effect of activities; innovate service concepts
    and promote the active role of the elderly; implement differentiation based on heterogeneous needs, the project organiza?
    tion of four aspects promotes the development of relevant services in China.
  • Lu Xiaobin, An Ran
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(4): 6-12. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.04.001
    [Purpose/significance] Methods lay the foundation of industrial technology information analysis. New infor? mation technology such as big data and AI technology promotes the development and innovation of methods. The paper aims to present the status quo and development trend of industrial technology information analysis methods which is crucial to construction of industrial technology information analysis method system and improve the level of industrial technology information analysis under data-intelligence era. [Method/process] The paper starts with tasks of industri? al technology information analysis, associates the industrial technology with tasks using four quadrant analysis ap? proach, then analyzes the status quo and gives the future development trend of industrial technology information analy? sis methods. [Result/conclusion] Based on situation analysis, identification analysis, predication analysis, evaluation analysis, innovation analysis, the paper presents the current status of industrial technology information analysis meth? ods. Under data-intelligence era, the characteristics of future trend of industrial technology information analysis meth? ods include: methods should utilize and integrate big data and big knowledge,collaborative development between infor? mation analysis methods and technology & industry,focus on evaluation and commercial application of analysis results. 
  • Xu Lu , Pan Yuchen
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(4): 13-23. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.04.002
    [Purpose/significance] The paper mainly discusses the characteristics of related multi- dimensional dy? namic big data and its utilizations in the emerging technology prediction. This research helps to integrate multi-dimen? sional dynamic big data and then provide frame support for emerging technology prediction. [Method/process] This pa? per firstly proposes a multi-dimensional dynamic big data association structure by exploring and analyzing the knowl? edge characteristics and complementary advantages of patent big data, paper big data, reward big data and economic big data. On this basis, the emerging index of a given industrial technology is quantified through a comprehensive analy? sis of "people" and "things". [Result/conclusion] The experiment results shows that prediction and analysis frame? work proposed in this paper makes full use of multi-dimensional dynamic big data information, which has high knowl? edge density and breadth, and this can provide more comprehensive multi-modal decision support for emerging tech? nology prediction.
  • Jin Qingwen
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(4): 24-34. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.04.003
    [Purpose/significance] Intelligence analysis in the era of big data faces many challenges such as complex analytical methods, difficult to understand technology, and difficult to interpret results. Interpretability technologies are technical means that enable users to understand and trust the decision-making results ofintelligence analysis. [Meth? od/process] The paper first introduces the development trend of intelligence analysis activities, and expounds the inter? pretation necessity of intelligence analysis process from four aspects:intelligence information acquisition, intelligence processing, intelligence analysis and decision-making services. Then, the interpretation types of intelligence analysis methodsare elaborated, including the combination of global interpretation and local interpretation, post-hoc interpreta? tion, swarm intelligence decision interpretation and people- oriented interactive interpretation. [Result/conclusion] The interpretation technologies of information analysis methods in the field of intelligence include causal inference, fea? ture importance analysis, rule interpretation, knowledge reasoning, and visual analysis. Commonly used intelligence analysis interpretation evaluation methods include qualitative analysis based on subjective judgment, semi-quantita? tive analysis based on heuristics, and quantitative analysis based on index evaluation. Finally, the main interpretable techniques of intelligence analysis in different fields and research issues that should be emphasized in the future devel? opment are summarized.
  • Song Shijie, Zhao Yuxiang, Zhu Qinghua
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(4): 35-42. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.04.004
    [Purpose/significance] The development of AI has been constantly shaping the experience of human-AI in? teractions. From the early stage of chatbot ELIZA to the recent AI application ChatGPT, various AI-powered applica? tions demonstrate significant progresses in human language understanding and generating and reasoning. When AIGenerated Content (AIGC) becomes increasingly close to human generated content, the nature experience of human-AI interaction not only provides users with convenient information services but also invites challenges of credibility issues. Therefore, there is a pressing need to revisit the assessment of AI credibility based on socio-technical perspectives. [Method/process] The study employs a normative analysis approach, synthesizing the literature of credibility and AI research to achieve several normative statements about AIGC credibility assessment. First, the article discussed the conceptualization of AIGC credibility. Moreover, the article pinpointed AIGC credibility by examining AI functionatin? gas information sources,interactivity, social actors,and users’algorithmic metaphor. [Result/conclusion] First, the arti? cle proposes that the concept of AIGC credibility should incorporate the dimensions of AI explainability. Moreover, the article proposes that AIGC credibility assessment should compass the holistic view of AI functionating as content gener? ator and technological medium, integrate view of AI affordances and generative affordances from third-party interfaces, underline the anthropomorphism view of regarding AI as a social actor, and encompass the consideration of users’algo? rithmic literacy by identifying and taking care of the low-literacy users.
  • Geng Ruili , Ding Weiwei
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(3): 49-60. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.03.006
    [Purpose/significance] By sorting out the relevant empirical research literature on smartphone addiction and analyzing its influencing factors and regulatory variables, it is helpful to deeply understand the incentives, process? es and consequences of this behavior, so as to provide new thinking and inspiration for future research in this field. [Method/process] Weight-analysis and meta-analysis were combined to carry out a comprehensive quantitative analy? sis, through coding and selection of domestic and foreign empirical research literature on smartphone addiction, 81 re? search samples were included in the analysis category, using heterogeneity test, publication bias test, global effect test and moderating effect test, to reveal the effect of influence factors and moderating variables of smartphone addiction. [Result/conclusion] The influencing factors of smartphone addiction included three categories: personality factor, emo? tion, and cognition factor, and habitual use and attitude factor.Self-esteem, self-control, conscientiousness, perceived social support, agreeableness, and self-efficacy were significantly negatively correlated with smartphone addiction, a to? tal of 19 influencing factors such as missed anxiety, depression, anxiety, and smartphone use frequency were signifi? cantly positively correlated with smartphone addiction.Moderating variables such as cultural characteristics, subject groups and user gender can explain the heterogeneity of the relationship between some influencing factors and smart? phone addiction in different research samples to some extent. The 15 "best predictors" in the 28 groups of variable rela? tionships can be directly used to guide practice, and the 8 "potential predictors" need further academic research to test their explanatory power for addictive behavior. The conclusions of this study can provide enlightenment for the next re? search in this field at the theoretical level, and provide valuable implications for the prevention, intervention, and health guidance of smartphone addiction at the practical level.
  • Zhang Xing , Wang Nan, Xiao Quan
    Information and Documentation Services. 2023, 44(3): 61-70. https://doi.org/10.12154/j.qbzlgz.2023.03.007
    [Purpose/significance]Medical crowdfunding projects often use slogans related to social norms to urge people to donate, but visitors often avoid the message. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate whether the presence of social norms affects individuals' willingness to avoid information and its possible influencing psychological mecha? nisms.[Method/process]A " cognition–affect–conation " framework was introduced as the basis for the research model, with social norms (descriptive norm and injunctive norm) as independent variables, fatigue, anxiety and guilt as mediating variables and willingness to avoid information as dependent variables. A between-group experiment was de? signed and hypothesis testing was conducted.[Result/conclusion]The results show that fatigue and anxiety increase an individual's willingness to avoid information, while guilt reduces an individual's willingness to avoid information. So? cial norms can elicit emotions, but there are differences in the emotions elicited by different social norms. Among them, descriptive norms are more likely to cause fatigue and anxiety, while injunctive norms are more likely to cause guilt. The findings deepen the understanding of information avoidance behaviour, enrich the literature on medical crowdfund? ing research and provide guidance on how medical crowdfunding platforms and helpers can more effectively use social norms in practice.