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  • Wang Bing, Shi Zhiyong, Wang Yuanjie
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(5): 13-21.
    [Purpose/significance] Data-intelligence empowerment is a common concern and focus of both the aca⁃demic and practical communities in today’s data-intelligence era. However, no consensus has been reached on what data-intelligence empowerment is. Therefore, there is an urgent need to trace back and clarify the concept of data-in⁃telligence empowerment and to provide a comprehensive interpretation of data-intelligence empowerment, so as to lay the foundation for data-intelligence empowerment research and practice. [Method/process] Based on the theory of da⁃ta-intelligence and the theory of empowerment, the concepts of data-intelligence and empowerment were traced and ex⁃plained respectively according to the basic logic of word formation. On this basis, the two concepts of data-intelligence and empowerment were refuted, and the sources, meanings and perspectives of data-intelligence empowerment were analyzed. [Result/conclusion] The research shown that data-intelligence empowerment is an interactive synergy. It is based on the premise of mutual authorization between the enabler, the empowerment object and the data-intelligence tool. It is the process of generating big data through digitalization and intelligentization means, then mining and extract⁃
    ing intelligence from big data and pointing to intelligence applications. Its purpose is to stimulate and promote a certain or a series of capabilities of the empowerment object to achieve from nothing to something, from something to something good, and then expand the value creation space. The perspectives of data-intelligence empowerment mainly include eight aspects: connection, aggregation, openness, adaptation, intelligence, precision, dynamics, and synergy.
  • Zhao Ziyu
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(2): 30-37.
    [Purpose/significance] The widespread use of generative artificial intelligence has given rise to multiple da⁃ ta security risks. Traditional reactive and centralized governance models seem inadequate to address these new chal⁃ lenges. In contrast, agile governance, with its flexible approach, demonstrates a unique superiority. [Method/process] Firstly, a meticulous examination of the multifaceted risks in data security posed by generative artificial intelligence is conducted. Subsequently, a comparative analysis of the efficacy of three governance models in risk management is car⁃ ried out. It is suggested that China should promptly transition its governance model. Guided by this, a specific gover⁃ nance framework is constructed. [Result/conclusion] The agile governance approach, characterized by its adaptability, flexibility, and inclusiveness, offers a highly effective strategy for addressing data security risks associated with emerg⁃ ing technologies like generative artificial intelligence. It allows for the continuous optimization of the governance sys⁃ tem for generative artificial intelligence data security. Within the agile governance framework, it is essential to embrace the adaptive governance concept of "equal emphasis on prevention and response", construct a resilient governance mechanism that promotes "diverse participation and collaborative interactions",and employ inclusive governance ap⁃ proaches that combine technology with legal measures. This way, a comprehensive framework for ensuring the security of generative artificial intelligence data is constructed.
  • Zhang Yanfeng , Liu Min
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(2): 48-56.
    [Purpose/significance] Exploring the structural elements and formation mechanisms of digital hoarding be⁃ havior of mobile social media users helps to enrich the theoretical paradigm of information behavior research, and pro⁃ vides theoretical and applied references for analyzing the phenomenon of digital hoarding behavior of mobile social me⁃ dia users. [Method/process] Based on the I-PACE theoretical model framework, this paper analyzed the elements of mobile social media users' digital hoarding behavior from four dimensions of "user-emotion-cognition-behavior" and constructed a model of the mechanism relationship of it. [Result/conclusion] The specific guiding strategies for the be⁃ havior are proposed to provide reference for effectively solving the hoarding problems in the era of digital information.
  • Peng Xun , Feng Yongcai
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(5): 92-99.
    [Purpose/significance] As a new form of learning under the digital background of the new era, the future learning center of university libraries has adapted to the paradigm of higher education and the requirements of educa⁃ tional modernization. It is an important way for university libraries to achieve functional and role transformation. [Meth⁃od/process] Based on the connotation characteristics and functional positioning of future learning centers in university libraries, a detailed analysis was conducted on the construction examples of future learning centers in four domestic uni⁃versity libraries through literature reading and official website information. [Result/conclusion] The study found that the construction of future learning centers in sample cases is based on the practice of educational concepts, always with technology as the foundation and spatial construction as the focus. Drawing on its experience, the construction strategy of future learning centers in university libraries is summarized.
  • Zhang Xiaoyue
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(3): 60-69.
    [Purpose/significance] Generation Z (Gen Z) users account for more than half of China’s social media us⁃ ers. Their social media culture characteristics including (1) meme as a language,(2)leveraging the technology to cope with the negative influences that social media platforms posed,(3)Finsta culture. Understanding Gen Z users’informa⁃ tion posting behaviors in social media, can provide empirical references for understanding their preferences on their us⁃ age and intentions of Internet activities. [Method/process] Through theoretical sampling, semi-structured interviews were conducted among 12 Gen Z users who had both primary and secondary accounts on the same social media plat⁃ form. Based on grounded theory, the transcript of the interviews was analyzed. Finally, 6 core categories are identified, namely, Gen Zs’use purpose on social media, privacy cognition, interpersonal relationships cognition, information re⁃ ceiver cognition, spaces’boundaries setting on social media, and social media information posting behaviors. The rela⁃ tionships among the 18 specific categories and the 3 transformation paths of users’migration were discussed. [Result/ conclusion] Gen Z users“social disconnections”“emotionexpressionandself- emotion regulation”,and“self- develop⁃ ment”usage needs on social media promote their resetting on spaces within same social media platform. Such informa⁃ tion practice creates and enhances Gen Z users’new cognition on online interpersonal interaction that is“Secondary Account as Privacy”. Based on such cognition, Gen Z users can redefine the boundaries of“privacy space”on social media, by controlling the posted information’s scope, content’s context, and frequencies. Based on that, this paper dis⁃ cusses the user experience optimization service approaches, from the perspective of the platform and users.
  • Zhao Ruihan , Chen Junlei, Zhang Xiaoyue
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(5): 51-63.
    [Purpose/significance] High quality governance of public data will effectively promote the modernization of national governance capabilities, and it plays an important leading role in comprehensively promoting the reform of the data production element market and empowering the high-quality development of the digital economy. To advance the development of public data governance, this paper explores more in the lens of policy tools and data life cycle col⁃laboratin. Such perspective will make up for the shortcomings of existing studies in the perspective of collaborative anal⁃ysis. [Method/process] From the perspective of the full data life cycle governance of public data, this study analyzes 104 policy texts promulgated at the provincial and municipal levels in China. This study will contribute to improve pub⁃lic data governance policies and data governance system design. [Result/conclusion] There are problems in public data governance policies, such as the need to enhance the leadership of governance entities, the lack of standardization and innovation in governance objects, and the need to improve the execution of governance tools. Therefore, it is necessary to broaden and deepen the field of public data governance in policy-making activities, strengthen the governance of the
    whole life cycle of public data, and strengthen collaboration to enhance the operability and effectiveness of policies.
  • Zhang Yan, Wu Dawei, Zhao Yuxiang, Zhu Qinghua
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(2): 57-65.
    [Purpose/significance] With the increasing integration of digital technology, some older adults have devel⁃ oped smartphone dependency. This study explores the antecedents and consequences of smartphone existentially de⁃ pendent behavior among older adults, aiming to provide insights for promoting healthier smartphone use among this population. [Method/process] Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 27 older adults and 8 fami⁃ ly members of older adults. Grounded theory was employed for coding and analysis. [Result/conclusion] The study es⁃ tablishes the facilitating and restraining mechanisms of smartphone existentially dependent behavior among older adults, highlighting the interplay between promoting and protective factors. Promoting factors include technological pressure, socio-cultural pressure, vulnerability to susceptibility, and emotional anxiety. Protective factors include selfcontrol and digital feedback. Moreover, smartphone existentially dependent behavior among older adults can lead to weakened social connections, intergenerational discord, and decreased sleep quality, further reinforcing their reliance on smartphones.
  • Di Liya
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(4): 96-103.
    [Purpose/significance] The deep opening of government data indicates that China will enter the stage of open and utilization of government data based on user demand, high value and high quality. [Method/process] The pa⁃per adopts literature research and comparative research methods to explain and analyze the meaning, background, char⁃acteristics, and development strategies of deep openness of government data from the perspective of the phased develop⁃ment of open government data in China. [Result/conclusion] It is proposed to further promote the supply-side reform of open government data, actively explore the effective circulation mechanism of public data primary processing data factors, optimize the realization method of public data property rights structural separation and right allocation to pro⁃mote the strategy of deepening open government data in China.
  • Qi Jinglin, Han Zhengbiao
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(3): 31-40.
    [Purpose/significance] The purpose of this study is to elucidate the applications and contributions of behav⁃ ioural economics theories in information behaviour research, thereby fostering the continued development of these theo⁃ ries within the realm of information behaviour research. [Method/process] Drawing upon the extensive research litera⁃ ture on information behaviour, encompassing both domestic and foreign journals and academic conferences, this study offers a comprehensive generalization and summary of the utilization of behavioural economics theories in the realm of research. Furthermore, it highlights the theoretical contributions of these applications and provides a forward-looking perspective on future research avenues. [Result/conclusion] First, behavioural economics theories have been widely applied to information retrieval, information evaluation and other research themes. Second, behavioural economics theo⁃ ries provide a theoretical foundation for revealing the cognitive styles and thinking logic behind users’information be⁃ haviours from four aspects: understanding bounded rationality and‘irrational’in users’information behaviour, under⁃ standing the rules of gain and loss in users’decisions, revealing the heuristics in cognitive and behavioural strategies, and interpreting the cognitive biases in information behaviours. Finally, the corresponding outlooks are proposed from three aspects: interdisciplinary theory development in information behaviour, the zeitgeist information behaviour re⁃ search, and scientific decision-making of users.
  • Zhang Yuhan, Chen Gang
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(4): 5-13.
    [Purpose/significance] On the basis of clarifying the historical development process of information science theory in China, explore the two dimensions of modernization development of information science theory in the new era.[Method/process] This article takes literature content analysis and autonomous theory construction as the main re⁃search methods, supported by some high-quality information science theory literature, governance theory literature,Marxist classic works, and new era party and government decision-making deployment documents publicly published in China. it analyzes and points out the areas that urgently need to be strengthened in the current development of infor⁃mation science theory, and proposes targeted development strategies.[Result/conclusion] The research results indicate that significant achievements have been made in the theoretical research of information science in China, but there is still a need for continuous improvement in terms of local adaptability, thinking mode construction, discourse system connection, theoretical timeliness and practicality. We can try to use the self-built governance concept system and the shaping of security concepts under the overall national security perspective as two dimensions to guide the moderniza⁃tion of information science theory, providing comprehensive theoretical scientific, contemporary, and authoritative sup⁃port. On the basis of strengthening the current situation and solving problems, we can further expand the perspective of information science theory reproduction and deepen our understanding and research of intelligence practice. And it is also necessary to promote interdisciplinary research in information science based on independent professional estab⁃lishment.

  • An Xiaomi, Long Zhiqi, Kuang Miaomiao
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(6): 75-83.
    [Purpose/significance] This study aims to build a theoretical framework for large model data governance from a standardization perspective, covering multidimensional and multifaceted elements. This framework seeks to fill in current gaps in specialized research and standardization research on large model data governance, which will enrich theoretical research on large model data governance and provide implications to practices. [Method/process] By holis⁃tic approach to content analysis and expert consultation, this study systematically reviews and analyzes relevant stan⁃dards and representative Chinese and English journal literature, iteratively refining and constructing a theoretical framework for large model data governance. [Result/conclusion] The theoretical framework for large model data gover⁃nance covers multiple dimensions, including large model data quality management, large model data management, large model data resource management, large model data asset management, and large model data risk management. These five dimensions are structured along with the logical progression of "fundamental premises - execution methods - im⁃plementation pathways - core objectives - intrinsic guarantees",forming a comprehensive theoretical framework.
  • Liu Chunyan, Qi Xuechen, Ma Haiqun
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(5): 22-31.
    [Purpose/significance] The overall national security concept urgently needs to enhance big data security capabilities, revealing the multiple paths under the coupling of multiple influencing factors of big data security capabili⁃ties. This not only helps to promote the rational utilization and management of regional data resources, enhance regional big data collaborative security capabilities, but also helps to build a national security guarantee system. [Method/pro⁃cess] Based on an improved TOE theoretical framework, a framework for influencing factors of big data security was constructed from four aspects: technical level, organizational capability, environmental factors, and data elements. 31 provinces (cities, autonomous regions) were selected as research objects, and a combination of Structural Equation Mod⁃eling (PLS-SEM) and Qualitative Comparison (QCA) was used to explore the relationships between various factors and the path of China's big data security capability from a configuration perspective. [Result/conclusion] The closer the re⁃
    lationship between technical level, organizational ability, environmental factors, and data elements, the higher the level of big data security capability; information infrastructure, innovation capability, organizational governance and securi⁃ty, economic level, education level, data resource construction, and data element circulation cannot be the necessary conditions for achieving big data security capabilities alone, and they need to be combined and matched with each oth⁃er; the configuration paths for high-level data security capabilities include organization data balance type, data gover⁃nance element circulation type, data resource construction dominant type, and data element circulation dominant type.The configuration paths for non high-level data security capabilities include technology environment data comprehen⁃sive deficiency type, data foundation deficiency type, technology resource deficiency type, and technology deficiency type; China should follow the guiding ideology of the overall national security concept, start from the advantages of each region, combine the configuration perspective of each region, and choose a path suitable for the development of big data security capabilities in each region.
  • Wu Dawei, Lian Jingwen, Zhao Yuxiang, Jia Mingxia
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(4): 64-75.
    [Purpose/significance] With the exponential growth of work-related data, digital hoarding has become a typical irrational behavior in the workplace. By clarifying the influencing factors and mechanisms of digital hoarding be⁃havior in this context, this study aims to provide recommendations for optimizing existing research paradigms and im⁃plementing targeted coping strategies. [Method/process] Based on the I-PACE model, this research explores the influ⁃encing factors of digital hoarding behavior in the workplace across seven dimensions: individual characteristics, organi⁃zational pressure, technostress, coping styles, cognitive biases, emotional and cognitive responses, and lack of self-con⁃trol. Additionally, it analyzes the conceptual implications and behavioral consequences. Through normative analysis,this study elucidates five influencing and action mechanisms: individual bias mechanisms, emotion intensification
    mechanisms, cognitive dissonance mechanisms, compensatory loss of control mechanisms, and behavioral consequence mechanisms, proposing five normative propositions accordingly. [Result/conclusion] This study constructs a frame⁃work for the influencing mechanism of digital hoarding behavior in the workplace based on the I-PACE model. Future research prospects and coping strategies are suggested for different mechanisms. The findings aim to enrich research on digital hoarding behavior and optimize information management practices in the workplace.
  • Zhou Wenjie
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(2): 14-23.
    [Purpose/significance] Combining the academic hotspots in the field of library, information and archival management over the past five years, this paper reviews the theoretical framework of Information Resource Manage⁃ ment (IRM). [Method/process] It revisits the traditional Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom (DIKW) model in the field of IRM and develops the corresponding Technic/Operate-Analyze-Strategy-Culture (TASC) model from a profes⁃ sional practice perspective. Building upon the alignment of these two models, the theoretical framework of IRM is sys⁃ tematically examined. [Result/conclusion] Starting from Claude Elwood Shannon's contributions to the quantification, measurement, encoding, transmission, and processing of information, IRM has evolved, incorporating Karl Popper's "World 3" theory, Bertram Claude Brookes' "Knowledge Maps", Jesse Shera's "Social Epistemology" as intermediar⁃ ies, and inheriting Brenda Dervin's "Sense-making" theory. Together, these elements form a coherent theoretical frame⁃ work in IRM.
  • Yan Hui , Wu Zhaotong
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(2): 5-13.
    [Purpose/significance] This article aims to employ the STS (Science, Technology and Society) theoretical perspective to analyze the top ten academic hotspots in information resource management discipline from 2019 to 2023. [Method/process] The paper selects the STS subsystem analysis mode to discover the distribution of the top ten aca⁃ demic hotspots in different relational dimensions, and combines the trajectory of the relationship between science, tech⁃ nology, and society in the development history of the discipline to determine the distribution pattern and future direc⁃ tions of academic hotspots. [Result/conclusion] The development history of the discipline of information resource man⁃ agement and the top ten academic hotspots in the past five years have revealed the essential characteristics of the disci⁃ pline being driven by society. Scientific research in this field tends to respond to and solve social problems, and pays more attention to the impact of technology on society. However, the two paths of society and science on the shaping of technology have not been emphasized by the discipline of information resource management in the past.
  • Tong Zehua, Chen Zhaojuan, Xu Haiyun, Xue Xiaona, Han Chunhua,
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(3): 18-30.
    [Purpose/significance] Data pollution, data risks, data barriers and other data quality concerns affect the pace of scientific innovation of researchers, research on issues such as quality control of scientific research big data is imminent, the state, the community are actively exploring research on the quality control of scientific research big data. [Method/process] The study shows that the evolutionary game model of research big data quality control is composed of three parties: research big data providers, research big data consumers and research big data regulators, and the evo⁃ lutionary and stable strategies of the three parties of the game are derived through model analysis and simulation, and then the roles of research big data quality control are analyzed, and the principles of quality control are given, and final⁃ ly the four-in-one research big data quality control implementation strategy system of "base-wing" phase optimization strategy, "responsive-alliance" control strategy, whole process technology integration strategy, and talent-platform du⁃ al-drive linkage strategy is proposed. [Result/conclusion] The study shows that the evolutionary game model of scien⁃ tific research data quality control is composed of three parties: scientific research data providers, scientific research da⁃ ta consumers and scientific research data regulators, and the evolutionary stabilization strategies of the three parties are derived through model analysis and simulation. Furthermore, the role positioning of quality control subject of scientific research big data was analyzed. Finally, we propose a four-in-one research big data quality control strategy system, in⁃ cluding "base-wing" optimization strategy, "responsive-alliance" control strategy, whole process technology integra⁃ tion strategy, and talent-platform dual drive strategy. Keywords: scientific research big data quality control
  • Chen Rui, Jiang Yihui
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(4): 87-95.
    [Purpose/significance] In current research, there is less focus on the governance issues of training data for generative artificial intelligence. However, there are numerous risks in the lifecycle of training data that cannot be ig⁃nored and urgently need effective governance. [Methods/process] This paper, based on the demonstration that training data is the core driving force of generative artificial intelligence, uses the theoretical model of the data lifecycle to com⁃prehensively summarize the possible risk patterns in the training data lifecycle. Then, it analyzes the causes of related risks from the perspectives of the intrinsic characteristics of the training data, ecological factors, and operational factors of generative AI developers. [Results/conclusion] It can be found that the fragmented nature and biases of the data are the starting points for risk occurrence; the ecological imbalance of the data is an external cause leading to risk; mean⁃while, the "black box" training data, biased data labeling, and lax data desensitization are internal causes of risk occur⁃rence.Therefore, targeting the characteristics of training data, a comprehensive risk governance scheme that encompass⁃es legal, market, community norms, and frameworks can be constructed using the "compassionate dots" framework.
  • Li Yifei, Wang Xiezhou
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(6): 59-65.
    [Purpose/significance] False self-disclosure behavior can have a direct and significant negative impact on audience's cognition, emotion and decision-making, and it is necessary to explore its recognition mechanism and cri⁃sis. [Method/process] Based on the type of expected reward by the participants, the paper analyzes how the subject us⁃es the digital body to give the audience a sense of mimetic intimacy in order to pursue online social capital; how the au⁃dience performs emotional labour to promote the subject's dependence in order to realise virtual symbiotic relation⁃ships; how the media uses algorithmic recommendations to intervene in the audience's information reception sources,guide the subject's information content production order, and strengthen the psychological contract to stimulate the sub⁃ject's content production volume in order to gather private traffic on the platform production volume. [Result/conclu⁃sion] For the crises of subject identity confusion, audience emotional interpretation, and environmental false consen⁃
    sus, it is appropriate to realize the dissolution of false self-disclosure crisis from three aspects: the subject establishes situational self-consciousness, the audience maintains the boundaries of emotional expression, and the media imple⁃ments the justice of information distribution.
  • Zhou Yi, Guo Langrui
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(3): 70-77.
    [Purpose/significance] In addition to the leakage of data itself, data security risk includes the implicit secu⁃ rity risk brought about by data correlation analysis and intelligence generation and perception. In order to solve the con⁃ tradiction between open source intelligence derived from public data access and national security, it is necessary to im⁃ plement the governance of implicit data security risk, so as to improve the national data governance system and protect national data sovereignty. [Method/process] An analytical framework is established based on risk management under consequentialism to sort out the behavioral and cognitive flows of implicit data security risk governance. Based on the ontological understanding of implicit data security risk, its manifestations and generative logic are comprehensively sorted out, and targeted governance mechanisms are constructed. [Result/conclusion] Implicit data security risk has the existential state characteristics of concealment and randomness, the movement characteristics of transferability and diffusion, and the environmental characteristics of scenario and accumulation. Based on the generative logic of cogni⁃ tion, interest, system, and technology, it exhibits security risks in dark data, data aggregation, data mining, data profil⁃ ing, data rights, and privacy compute.
  • Xu Fang
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(2): 24-29.
    [Purpose/significance] The application of generative artificial intelligence in smart library services has great potential and advantages, which can provide more efficient and intelligent services for smart library. However, since the legal status and responsibility of AIGC is not clear, the ensuing legal problems cannot be ignored. [Method/ process] This paper reviews the concepts of generative artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence-generated con⁃ tent. Then, it analyzes the main application scenarios of generative AI in smart library, including virtual consulting ser⁃ vice, subject knowledge service, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises thematic push service, reading promotion service and information literacy education and training service. Finally, it discusses the liability issues arising from AIGC accuracy, user privacy, copyright ownership and invalidation of relevant rules and algorithmic discrimination of AIGC in the main service scenario of intelligent library, and puts forward countermeasures. [Result/conclusion] The in-depth analysis of the internal logic behind these legal problems and the search for systematic solutions from the lev⁃ el of legal theory need to be further explored in the follow-up research.
  • Lou Chao, Shen Wenjun
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(4): 44-52.
    [Purpose/significance] Generative artificial intelligence technologies represented by ChatGPT can partici⁃pate in knowledge production and data value creation, which is beneficial for promoting the diversification of knowl⁃edge production entities, enhancing the personalization and diversity of output,facilitating the circulation and sharing of data information, and achieving the collaboration of production structures. The discussion related to the practical mechanism and the legal mechanism in this process will be necessary, which can provide the sufficient institutional guarantee for the effective implementation of this process. [Method/process] The premise of arguing ChatGPT partici⁃pating in knowledge production and legal mechanism lies in the clarification of problems and hidden dangers caused by it, the involvement of ChatGPT in knowledge production may weaken the creativity and autonomy of humans as the main creators, undermine the authenticity of relevant contents, impact the basic value of data, disrupt the existing knowledge production environment, and interfere with effective human control over the effective order of knowledge dis⁃semination, even pose a threat to the dominant position of mainstream ideologies. [Result/conclusion] In this regard,there is a need to establish a systematic legal mechanism for ChatGPT's participation in knowledge production,estab⁃lish the legal regulatory system based on the compliance of principles of the value rationality, improve the full process administrative supervision and judicial remedies, and form the collaborative governance pattern that all social entities participate commonly.
  • Wang Kangqing, Xie Xiaozhuan
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(5): 5-12.
    [Purpose/significance] The intelligence ethics framework comprises the value criteria and ethical norms that should guide intelligence activities. It serves as the foundation for assessing whether intelligence activities conform to ethical standards. Exploring the development and evolution of the intelligence ethics framework and its underlying logic can provide a theoretical basis for its establishment. [Method/process] Focusing on academic literature, this study employs the method of academic history to chronologically review the developmental trajectory of the intelligence ethics framework and analyze the dynamics and logic behind its evolution. [Result/conclusion] The study reveals that the intelligence ethics framework has undergone significant developmental stages, including the "primitive theory of un⁃ethical intelligence, the justice intelligence theory in the anti-terrorism era, and the upgraded stepwise intelligence eth⁃ics framework in the big data era." It has evolved into a theory of just intelligence that encompasses ethical principles such as "just cause, lawful authority, legitimate purpose, proportionality principle, rationality principle, and alignment with objectives." The fundamental logic driving the evolution of the intelligence ethics framework is the balancing act
    between the security interests of survival and development and the rights to individual freedom and privacy. Among var⁃ious driving factors, the security situation, threat perception, and emerging technologies exert the most direct and pro⁃found influence.
  • Li Jiaxuan, Chu Jiewang
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(4): 53-63.
    [Purpose/significance] Digital intelligence empowerment provides a new knowledge generation logic for re⁃gional knowledge innovation, which not only accelerates the knowledge flow within the system, but also improves the de⁃gree of knowledge coupling between regions. Exploring the new evolutionary logic and knowledge generation capability of the knowledge ecosystem empowered by digital intelligence can improve the level of regional knowledge innovation and knowledge generation capacity in China. [Method/process] According to the dissipative structure theory, the Brus⁃selator model was translated and applied to the digital intelligence knowledge ecosystem, and the evolution process of the digital intelligence knowledge ecosystem was analyzed. Then, the regional knowledge input-knowledge generation ability index under the empowerment of digital intelligence is proposed, and the empirical analysis of the data is used to draw corresponding conclusions. [Result/conclusion] It is found that the knowledge ecosystem has new dissipative steady-state characteristics under the empowerment of digital intelligence. At the same time, driven by digital intelli⁃gence technology, the composition, evolution and knowledge generation ability of the knowledge ecosystem have under⁃gone significant changes.
  • Wang Qiongyu, Hu Rong, DengXiaozhao
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(3): 49-59.
    [Purpose/significance] Under the background of the national strategy of active aging, the short video gener⁃ ation behavior of new senior users is a vivid manifestation of the positive transformation of the senior group from‘by⁃ stander’to‘participant’in the digital society, reflecting the rich internal needs of this group. From the perspective of McClusky’s demand classification theory, this study deeply explores the motivation of short video generation behavior of new senior users, and strives to accurately promote active aging. [Method/process] Through semi-structured inter⁃ views, the sub-dimensions of different levels of needs in the demand classification theory are refined, and the motiva⁃ tion model of short video generation behavior of new senior users is constructed. The questionnaire survey is used to test the impact of various levels of needs, education and social willingness on their short video generation behavior. [Re⁃ sult/conclusion] Expressive needs (record retention, expression display), contributive needs (altruism, imparting knowledge and experience), influence needs (active social participation) and transcendence needs (self-improvement, self-worth) will have a significant positive impact on the short video generation behavior of new senior users. Education⁃ al background and social willingness play a significant positive moderating role in some needs with short video genera⁃ tion behavior respectively. All sectors of society should grasp the different internal needs of the new senior group, pro⁃ vide accurate services, and promote the group’s multi-role transformation from viewer to expresser, contributor, influ⁃ encer and self-transcender in the digital society participation.
  • Huang Guobin, Liu Jingyi
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(6): 5-12.
    [Purpose/significance] The construction and development of preprint platforms for philosophy and social sciences in China, oriented towards facilitating the establishment of an independent knowledge system in these fields,are crucial to the inheritance and dissemination of China's excellent culture. This article aims to provide development strategies for China's preprint platforms in philosophy and social sciences to address the numerous challenges they face. [Method/process] This article intends to use online survey research and comparative analysis to systematically analyze the current development status, main characteristics, primary issues, and underlying causes of China's preprint platforms in philosophy and social sciences. Based on this analysis, several measures will be proposed to efficiently ad⁃vance the development of these platforms. [Result/conclusion] With the principle of effectively balancing publication speed and academic quality, key measures are proposed: introducing a reviewed preprint mechanism to effectively rec⁃oncile the conflict between publication speed and academic quality, supporting the publication of preprint-associated
    research data to enhance the verifiable persuasiveness of key arguments in preprints, and offering registered reports to promote the media integrity layout of preprint platforms for philosophy and social sciences in an open science environ⁃ment. These measures strive to provide feasible decision-making references for efficiently advancing the development of China's preprint platforms in philosophy and social sciences at this stage.
  • Zhu Xiaofeng, Zhang Han, Hong Lei, Wu Jingxian
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(4): 14-23.
    [Purpose/significance] The intelligence talent training chain oriented towards national strategy helps to re⁃construct the intelligence talent training model, promote the resonance between intelligence talent training and national strategy, and better meet the needs of national strategy for intelligence talents. [Method/process] Firstly, the historical changes of national strategy were sorted out, and the basic meaning and key links of the intelligence talent training chain were defined; Secondly, the basic logic of the training chain for national strategic intelligence talents was ana⁃lyzed; Subsequently, a theoretical model for the training chain of national strategic intelligence talents was constructed from the dimensions of subject, object, and content; Ultimately, a complete talent training chain from undergraduate and graduate students to leading talents will be established for different levels of national strategy implementation. [Re⁃sult/conclusion] The training chain for national strategic intelligence talents is essentially a symbiotic chain that em⁃powers and assists various entities in the formation of national strategies. It is a talent supply chain formed by continu⁃ously deepening and expanding the training objects in response to the development of national strategies. It is a learn⁃ing chain that matches the professional knowledge and capabilities of intelligence science with national strategies. The intelligence talent training chain, from undergraduate and graduate students to leading talents, is not only a process of continuously improving the quality of intelligence education, but also a process of constantly adapting, fitting and meet⁃ing national strategic needs.
  • Zuo Min, Qiu Jiangnan
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(4): 34-43.
    [Purpose/significance] In the context of generative AI, Online Knowledge Communities (OKC) have intro⁃duced a large number of bots embedded with AI algorithms, posing new challenges for developing human-bot collabora⁃tion patterns to better improve the performance of knowledge social construction. [Method/process] Collect humanbot collaboration network log data from 136 human users and 48 bot users in Wikipedia, and use grounded theory for multi case analysis. [Result/conclusion] The study establishes a human-bot collaborative knowledge social construc⁃tion model for OKC in generative AI contexts, revealing the mechanism of human-bot collaborative knowledge social construction, elaborating the effect of three basic task dependencies(flow,fit,sharing) and human-bot team resources re⁃quired for task execution on the formation of two human-bot collaboration patterns, automated assistance and enhanced assistance, as well as the important impact of these two human-bot collaboration patterns on the knowledge social con⁃
    struction performance.From the perspective of human-bot collaboration, the research enriched and developed the coor⁃dination theory and social constructivist theory, providing useful guidance for human collaborating strategies and knowl⁃edge social construction performance improvement strategies in generative AI contexts.
  • Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(3): 5-7.
  • Hu Feng
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(6): 40-49.
    [Purpose/significance] In the risk landscape society created by the VUCA era, public health emergency in⁃formation disclosure is an indispensable action strategy to build a democratic and responsible government, protect the physical and mental health of citizens, and maintain the stability of social order. [Method/process] Using activity theo⁃ry as the analytical framework, this paper conducts an in-depth perspective on the elements and operating system of public health emergency information disclosure activities. On the one hand, the normative analysis method is used to explain the activity elements and system composition of public health emergency information disclosure; on the other hand, semi-structured interviews, government official website (official microblog), academic literature, policy docu⁃ments, media reports, etc. are used as data sources to conduct empirical discussions on the shortcomings and solutions in the operation practice of the public health emergency information disclosure system. [Result/conclusion] The cou⁃pling and complementation of six elements such as subject, object, community, rules, tools and division of labor consti⁃tute the operational element structure of public health emergency information disclosure; information production sys⁃tem, release specification system, task collaboration system and dialogue sharing system are an operating system struc⁃ture for public health emergency information disclosure was constructed. At the same time, targeted relief strategieswere proposed for the four major dilemmas existing in the operation of the four major subsystems: insufficient tool em⁃bedding, incomplete rules and regulations, unsmooth efficient collaboration, and inactive dialogue and communication.
  • Zheng Rong, Gao Zhihao, Wang Xiaoyu, Wang Shengwen, Wei Mingzhu
    Information and Documentation Services. 2024, 45(2): 86-96.
    [Purpose/significance] In the era of comprehensive digital transformation and value release of data ele⁃ ments, data security governance has become extremely important. Therefore, focusing on the issue of industrial data se⁃ curity governance in complex information environments and exploring and proposing a complete industrial data securi⁃ ty governance system framework will help to reduce the risks of industrial data throughout the supply, circulation, and use processes, and promote the effective release of industrial data value and the implementation of industrial digitiza⁃ tion. [Method/process] On the basis of literature research and comparative analysis, this article defines the connota⁃ tion of industrial data security governance in complex information environments, uses blockchain, privacy computing, and data lake technology to build a underlying technical architecture, proposes administrative measures for security governance of industrial data supply, circulation, and usage ends, and constructs a framework for industrial data securi⁃ ty governance system with "core elements technical architecture administrative measures" as the core. [Result/conclu⁃ sion] This article systematically proposes industrial data security governance issues, governance methods, and system architecture in complex information environments. Taking the artificial intelligence industry as an example, while veri⁃ fying the feasibility of the governance system framework, it also elaborates on the operational process and guarantee strategies of the industrial data security governance system, providing guidance for effectively solving data security is⁃ sues throughout the entire process of industrial data elements in complex information environments.